Saturday, November 21, 2009

she finally

C R A W L E D...
yeah. i never thought it would happen but it did. last night she crawled from the kitchen into the dining room and then back around the kitchen. poppy got to see it too which was nice. he is usually one of the last people in the house to see her do new things. i, however, was the last to know that she could clap.

on a totally unrelated note, i had a few people ask about the elastic i used to make olivia's tiny but cute pony tails. they are goody brand and i got them at target. they are clear and the smallest size they make. i am on the look out for some small colored ones though. the clear get lost very easy..

1 comment:

Adri said...

You can get the tiny colored ones in a bag with mixed sizes. I just use the bigger ones for myself. They remind me of the elastics on braces. :) I bet you love having a girl. I, on the other hand, hate doing Myleigh's hair. I'm really bad at it. The end.