Thursday, September 8, 2011

remember when school started

3 weeks ago and i never posted pictures.. ah the joy of no camera. how about a little update about this school year???

- wyatt started 1st grade and is loving it. he has a good teacher and some friends in his class. he is getting some special reading time at school to help his reading improve. he loves art class, going to the library and recess.

- drew gets to go to the pre-k program at the school. its half day and he ended up with the perfect teacher for his emotional little soul. he is really loving it after having a few hard days. i am so thankful he is able to go to this program. it gives him so much educationally and it gives me the much needed break from my hard middle child. he loves eating breakfast when he wants to at the school, coloring pictures and the idea that he gets to go to the library someday.

- olivia is going to a small group school with some girls from our ward. it is the perfect enviorment for her to get introduced to school. she LOVES it. she gets so excited and loves to wear her backpack and talk about her day. she likes painting and being with avery l.

i am so happy that school started up again. i have a total of 4 hours a week with no kids. i have been indulging myself and glenn these last 2 weeks and doing nothing during those 2 hours but next week its go time. i am so excited to get stuff done in those hours. i am also excited to get back to the gym. finally after 3 months my foot feels well enough to put a shoe on and that means its game time... soon baseball season starts and that is a fun crazy time for us. the next few months will fly by.

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